2019 Jamco 3H LQ
3HLQ - Great Headroom, EZ to Han
3 Horses
Built Year
United States
Ad Status
Other Horse Trailer for Sale in Centreville, MD
This 2019 Jamco 3H LQ came in for us to show as a private sale. The owner, a long-time Jamco and Traveled Lane customer, had the trailer custom built to her specifications. Jamco is a high-end builder to begin with and this trailer is loaded with thoughtful touches specified by the owner. A busy schedule kept the getaway trips from happening, so the owner decided this barely used trailer should be made available to someone who has time for the adventures it was designed for. It shows essentially as new. This is the owner’s 4th Jamco, so that’s a pretty good indication of her satisfaction with the brand. She’s selling this one due to lack of time for the multi-day trips she had in mind, but she has her trusty Jamco bumper pull to use when the schedule permits.
In the listing title, we say this trailer has been barely used. How little? Less than 10 times, and only camped in once. The air conditioner, refrig, microwave and shower have been used a few times and the furnace, cooktop, toilet and TV not at all. The LQ interior looks as new. Overall, this trailer is about as close to new as a used trailer can be. If you've viewed this listing before, please note that we finally got a chance to take the updated pictures we had promised to replace the quick shots we took when the trailer came in. We believe the updated images provide a more complete look at the features of this trailer, one example being the power awnings on both sides.
We’ll cover the extensive features shortly, but first, a few words about Jamco construction. Unlike most brands that have a thin skin over a skeleton of small tubes, Jamco trailers have walls of interlocking aluminum tubes. If you’re familiar with older Jamcos, you may recall that the wall tubes were stacked, similar to how they stack the logs in a log house. Several years ago, Jamco tried a wall design that kept the interlocking tubes, but shifted them to vertical. The old horizontal-tube Jamcos were some of the strongest trailers on the market, but Jamco found that the vertical-tube wall design was even stronger. It’s been standard ever since . If left exposed, the vertical tubes might look a bit like a picket fence, so Jamco covers them with a smooth white aluminum skin, bonded by an aircraft grade adhesive. This double wall design is strong for safety and durability, but it also provides a quiet and comfortable interior for your horses.
The roof structure is double as well, in that it has a single piece aluminum outer skin and a ceiling of interlocking aluminum planks. And between those layers is a radiant heat barrier. This design is quieter and cooler than a single-layer roof (and we think it looks better too!). The floor consists of extruded aluminum planks arranged transversely. They have integrated I-Beam cross-members every 4.5 inches. That’s two cross-members within the typical hoof span. That’s a strong floor! We take the risk of boring you with construction details to give you an idea why many equestrians consider Jamco to be the finest aluminum trailer on the market.
Now back to the features... Body width is 7.5 feet and body height is 8.5 feet. That height makes for a very inviting horse area. The extra height offers benefits in the LQ as well by way of taller cabinets with more capacity (most with shelf space above), outstanding headroom in the sleeping area and a general feeling of openness and space. The thoughtfully designed LQ is 6.5 feet on the short wall and 10.5 feet on the long wall. At a floor length of 20.5 feet, this Jamco offers a great combination of easy maneuverability and comfortable accommodations for occupants, both human and equine.