Endurance Riding Horses for Sale near Buhler, KS

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Tennessee Walking Stallion
Skipper is a very smooth, classy, flashy, registered TWH. He is a tobiano ..
Benton, Kansas
Black Overo
Tennessee Walking
Benton, KS

About Buhler, KS

The first post office in Buhler was established in 1888. Buhler was primarily inhabited by Mennonite families that had emigrated from Russia during the 1880s. In September 2012, the City of Buhler received a letter from the Freedom from Religion Foundation regarding a complaint about perceived constitutual violations about the city seal having a cross in it. In November 2012, the city stated that every legal opinion it had received indicated the city has no supportable case in the event the it was sued to legally force us to remove the seal and sign. If the city lost, it would be obligated to pay all the legal fees of the prevailing party.