Calf Roping Horses for Sale near Vacaville, CA

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Quarter Horse - Horse for Sale in Middletown, CA 95461
AQHA “MH See you in Vegas”, aka “Hazin” is a 16 yr old sorrel gelding that ..
Middletown, California
Quarter Horse
Middletown, CA

About Vacaville, CA

The city was originally laid out on land deeded by Manuel Cabeza Vaca to William McDaniel in August 1850. Its original plot was recorded on December 13, 1851. The city was a Pony Express stop and was home to many large produce companies and local farms which flourished due to the Vaca Valley's rich soil. There are a number of rare and endangered species in the Vacaville area. Endangered plants which have historically occurred in the vernal pool areas in and around Vacaville include Legenre limosa , Plagiobothrys hystriculus , Downingia humilis , Contra Costa Goldfields ( Lasthenia conjugens ), and Showy Indian clover ( Trifolium amoenum ).