Belgian Draft Horses for Sale near Pleasanton, KS

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Your search for Belgian Draft Horses for Sale near Pleasanton, KS didn't yield any ads in a 50-mile radius. Some horse breeds, colors or disciplines in certain locations might be a rare find and it is recommended that you broaden your search to Pleasanton, KS or Belgian Draft Horses.

Horses for Sale near Pleasanton, KS

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Belgian Draft Horses for Sale

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About Pleasanton, KS

In 1864, General Alfred Pleasonton defeated the Confederates in the Battle of Mine Creek near present-day Pleasanton. This battle, involving 25,000 men, resulted in a Union victory which ended the threat of Confederate invasion in Kansas. Pleasanton had its start in the year 1869 by the building of the Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis Railroad through that territory. It was named in honor of General Alfred Pleasonton, though the city name is spelled differently. The first post office in Pleasanton was established in August 1869.