Belgian Draft Horses for Sale near Mound City, KS

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Your search for Belgian Draft Horses for Sale near Mound City, KS didn't yield any ads in a 50-mile radius. Some horse breeds, colors or disciplines in certain locations might be a rare find and it is recommended that you broaden your search to Mound City, KS or Belgian Draft Horses.

Horses for Sale near Mound City, KS

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Belgian Draft Horses for Sale

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About Mound City, KS

Mound City was founded in 1855. It was named from Sugar Mound nearby, a hill covered with sugar maple trees. During the Civil War, a military post was established at Mound City. On October 25, 1864, Mound City was attacked twice by Confederates retreating south after their defeat at the Battle of Westport. The military post was closed and abandoned in June 1865 after the end of the war.