Belgian Draft Horses for Sale near Girard, KS

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Your search for Belgian Draft Horses for Sale near Girard, KS didn't yield any ads in a 50-mile radius. Some horse breeds, colors or disciplines in certain locations might be a rare find and it is recommended that you broaden your search to Girard, KS or Belgian Draft Horses.

Horses for Sale near Girard, KS

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Belgian Draft Horses for Sale

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About Girard, KS

Girard was founded in the spring of 1868, in opposition to Crawfordsville, and named after the town of Girard, Pennsylvania, the former home of trustee Charles Strong. It was based around the surveyed line of the Kansas City, Fort Scott and Gulf Railroad, in an attempt to gain an advantage over its rival. The first post office in Girard was established in September 1868. The first celebration in Girard occurred on July 4, 1868, marking Sunday school and Independence Day. Under a law passed in March 1871, Girard became a city of the third class.