Phoenix, Flashy bay Colt Jumper pot.

3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
16.0 hh
Foal Date
United States
Ad Status

Oldenburg Stallion for Sale in Orlando, FL

Phoenix is by Prezioso S, the Oldenburg Stallion who is currently showing on the Grand Prix Jumper circuit with lots of promise for future. Prezioso was successful at during the 2005 Winter Equestrian Festival held in Wellington, FL. Prezioso had numerous wins in the 1. 30 meter classes. Prezioso qualified for the Bundeschampionate in 2002. Prezioso's sire Pilox completed his stallion performance test in Warendorf in 1994, with way above average scores in was in the forefront of his age - class. Following wins in showjumper competitions, he had successes at Federal Championship level in showjumping and was also victorious in the advanced class. His progeny have the clear imprint of their sire and have a particular predisposition for showjumping. Prezioso's Grandsire the Westfphalian stallion Pilot (1974-1***1) started an incomparable career in his day as a procreator of showjumpers and has the youngest progeny winnings millionaire of German stallions.

About Orlando, FL

There are very few archaeological sites in the area today, except for the former site of Fort Gatlin along the shores of modern-day Lake Gatlin south of downtown Orlando. In 1823, the Treaty of Moultrie Creek created a Seminole reservation encompassing much of central Florida, including the area which would become Orlando. The Indian Removal Act of 1830 authorized relocation of the Seminole from Florida to Oklahoma, leading to the Second Seminole War. In 1842 white settlement in the area was encouraged by the Armed Occupation Act. After Mosquito County was divided in 1845, Fort Gatlin became the county seat of the newly created Orange County in 1856.

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