Beautiful B/W Tobiano TWH/SSH Mare

Tennessee Walking
3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
14.0 hh
Foal Date
United States
Ad Status

Tennessee Walking Mare for Sale in Lewisburg, TN

A Black & white Tobiano that is double registered with TWHBEA & SSHBEA. Had 6 months show training. We sent her out for 90 day's to be trained for trails. Has a motor like the energizer bunny that just won't quit and never seams to hardly work up a sweat. A gentle horse that stands for the farrier, baths, ties, clips, (a little nervous clipping around her ears) and trailers. Crosses water and will walk over logs, goes where you want her to go. Around dogs, cats, goats and other horses. Has no bad habits. Nice bloodline on her papers includes: (sire) Dillons Outlaw, Marshall Dillon, Ebony Masterpiece & Midnight sun. An eye catcher with her one pretty blue eye, long mane and bangs. Would be great for anything or any event. UTD on all shots, worming. Not a beginners horse. SOLD Congradulations to Annie in kentucky.

About Lewisburg, TN

The area in which Lewisburg and Marshall County is located was long occupied by various cultures of indigenous peoples. Historic Native Americans were here when French, Spanish and English explorers entered the area. Revolutionary War veterans were given land grants in this area by the State of North Carolina for services rendered during the war followed in the 1780s. North Carolina still claimed this territory under its colonial charter, but later gave up that claim and Tennessee became an independent state. Marshall County, named in honor of the young nation's first Supreme Court Chief Justice and noted American jurist, John Marshall, was established by an act of the Tennessee General Assembly in 1836.

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