All-Around 7 yr. old Gelding

Quarter Horse
3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
14.0 hh
Foal Date
United States
Ad Status

Quarter Horse Stallion for Sale in Greensboro, NC

"Cody" has a great mind and super quiet disposition. His papers include Peppy San, Doc O'Lena and Cutter Bill. Has experience in Team Penning and Team Roping (heeler) . He is well trained both English and Western and also started in lower level Dressage. Absolutely LOVES to jump! Has never once refused and jumps 2'6" with ease. This little guy has a lot of heart and loves a job! Cody is an all around horse that can do absolutely ANYTHING!! He loves to trail ride and will do anything you ask of him on the trail. Very sweet and affectionate, follows you around, an absolutely adorable horse! He looks kinda wooly in his winter coat but he's very flashy in the summer. Would be suitable for a beginner and great for a child or small adult rider. Loads clips, shoes and ties. No vices.

About Greensboro, NC

At the time of European encounter, the inhabitants of the area that became Greensboro were a Siouan-speaking people called the Saura. : 7 Other indigenous cultures had occupied this area for thousands of years, typically settling along the waterways, as did the early settlers. Quaker migrants from Pennsylvania, by way of Maryland, arrived at Capefair (now Greensboro) in about 1750. The new settlers began organized religious services affiliated with the Cane Creek Friends Meeting in Snow Camp in 1751. Three years later, 40 Quaker families were granted approval to establish New Garden Monthly Meeting.

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