Your Next Performance Horse!!!
Quarter Horse
3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
10.0 hh
Foal Date
United States
Ad Status
Quarter Horse Stallion for Sale in California, MO
Registration is pending for Continental Lotto. We call him Duke. He is out of an appendix mare that goes back to good old QH bloodlines - King, Leo, Skipper W, an Poco Bueno. His sire is Lotto CD, not shown due to eye injury, who is by CD Olena and goes back to Freckles Playboy. This colt is halter broke, stands tied, picks up his feet, trailers, has been ponied on a trail ride all day, and will follow you all over the barn lot. Major sweetheart. Not a spooky colt. Duke tries to work my dog and has great movement. He comes from cutting and reining bloodlines, but might also make an excellent barrel, trail, pleasure, or hunter horse. I think that he would try anything! More pictures available!
About California, MO
The City of California was established in 1834. The seat of justice of Moniteau County was originally known as Boonesborough. When Moniteau County was organized in 1845, it was decided that Boonsborough would become the county seat. Because the county court was unwilling to pay for land in Boonsborough, a site was selected one-mile (1.6 km) west and this would become the new county seat. In 1846, the Post Office required a new name to be selected for Boonsborough since there was already a Boonsborough in Missouri.
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