NFQHA Buckskin Mare In Foal To Grullo

Quarter Horse
3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
15.0 hh
Foal Date
United States
Ad Status

Quarter Horse Mare for Sale in Rupert, ID

AQHA, NFQHA 83% Buckskin mare in foal to AQHA, NFQHA 84% Grullo Homozygous EE Stallion for an April 2005 colored foal guaranteed i. e grullo, silver grullo, dun or buckskin! Honey is a BIG stout mare standing 15. 3H and weighs 1450 lbs. She is a wonderful mare with a great disposition and throws that beautiful baby doll head and powerful conformation on to her foals that will halter and ride. Honey bathes, clips, stands on the cross ties quietly, has trailered across many states to trail ride, easy to vaccinate and great for the farrier. Her pedigree is filled with great horses such as BERT, LEO, KING, WIMPY, BEN HUR 1, TINKY POO, SILVER KING, POCO UTE, JOE BAILEY, RED CLOUD, LITTLE JOE, VALOR NED, PEPPY, DAN WAGGONER, CLABBER, POCO ROJO, MY TEXAS DANDY, PETER McCUE, YELLOW JACKET, HICKORY BILL, POCO BUENO AND OKLAHOMA STAR to name a few.

About Rupert, ID

In 2006, Rupert celebrated its 100th birthday. Rupert officially became "Christmas City, USA" in November 1987. [ citation needed ] Boyd Coddington, late hot rod shop owner and television show host Lou Dobbs, television anchor and pundit Bill Fagerbakke, actor Richard D. Hansen, archaeologist of Mayan ruins Dusty Kline, first football coach at Boise Junior College (later to become Boise State University) John Norby, former NFL running back Jake Weimer, Motocross rider and Motocross des Nations 2009 winner These data are from the Western Regional Climate Center, compiled over the years 1906 to 2002. Rupert is served by the Minidoka County Schools system.

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