Topaz- 4-H, Show, Halter, Take her far!

3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
14.0 hh
Foal Date
United States
Ad Status

Paint Mare for Sale in Grand Island, NE

Topaz is a beautiful APHA dun solid filly. If you want muscle, here she is. She is filled out to be a great 4- H, western pleasure or halter horse, and it is ALL NATURAL. We have started ridingher, and she does great. The first time we got on her, she was standing in the middle of the pasture, and Brittany just jumped on her without saddle or bridle. Topaz stood there like it was done everyday. She responds well to the bit, and all summer she will progress. She is very smart, and loves to please. Zans Parr Bar, Three Bars, King as well as many other famouse horses. She will be sold with one free breeding to Keep Kool Dynasty, APHA B / W tobiano stallion. Priced at $1000. More info and pics at www. ShadyAcres6. com on the horses for sale from Shady Acres page.

About Grand Island, NE

In 1857, 35 German settlers left Davenport, Iowa, and headed west to Nebraska to start a new settlement on an island known by French traders as La Grande Isle, which was formed by the Wood River and the Platte River. The settlers reached their destination on July 4, 1857, and by September had built housing using local timber. Over the next nine years, the settlers had to overcome many hardships, including blizzards and conflicts with Native Americans. They set up farms but initially had no market to sell their goods until a market opened at Fort Kearny. When the Pike's Peak Gold Rush began, Grand Island was the last place travelers could obtain supplies before they crossed the plains.

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