AQHA Gelding
Quarter Horse
3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
15.0 hh
Foal Date
United States
Ad Status
Quarter Horse Stallion for Sale in Spring Hill, FL
Nikki, AQHA gelding, 5 years old, a big sweetheart, he does not have a mean bone in his body and is like a big puppy dog! He has had a year of professional training by a Pat Parelli trainer. Great all - around prospect: reining, cutting, team penning. He loves to jump and would make a great jumper. Nikki is very correct and athletic and will excel in whatever discipline you choose. He is by Actually Sugars Ace and is out of Count Mia Dynamo. Nikki is currently being ridden by a 12 year old girl. He has great ground manners and UTD on everything. He has been owned by one person. Nikki's sire and sister are on the property. The owner is regretfully selling due to medical problems. Nikki is priced to sell at $2700. OBO. For more information please call 813-951-3***3. For pictures e - mail ***@unlockedtreasure. com. ~
About Spring Hill, FL
Spring Hill first appeared on Hernando County maps as early as 1856 along what is today Fort Dade Avenue just north of the community of Wiscon. The modern Spring Hill was founded in 1967 as a planned community, which was developed by the Deltona Corporation and the Mackle Brothers. The developers originally wanted to call the community Spring Lake and used that as the working name through the development process. They were forced to use a different name due to the name Spring Lake already being in use locally and chose Spring Hill. The plans for the community are identical to the community of Deltona.
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