Quincy Dan, Impressive, Bred mr Gunsmoke

Quarter Horse
Red Dun
3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
15.0 hh
Foal Date
United States
Ad Status

Quarter Horse Mare for Sale in Boardman, OR

This mare is a Quincy Dan, Impressive, Leo Maudie (superior Ch) & is bred to a Mr Gunsmoke, Painted Breeze Bar grandson. Mr Gunsmoke's get has earned over $800, 000 he has earned superior cutting, NCHA chertificate of Ability , Sire of AQHA champion, arena ROM, NRCHA cow horse hall of fame, Painted Breeze Bar get has earned 43 ROMs, 8 APHA champions, 6 Superiors, 1 Versatility, & 1 reserve national champion. Bloodlines include breeze bar, chigger, joe reed, oklahoma star, clabber, texas dandy, lightning bar, question mark. Her last baby with my stud produced an awesome stud colt. She is broke. Never had problems foaling or getting into foal. Reason I am selling is because I have to reduce the size of my herd. The third photo is a head shot of her last years colt bred to the same stallion.

About Boardman, OR

Boardman was homesteaded in 1903 by Samuel Herbert Boardman, the first superintendent of the Oregon State Parks System. Boardman and his wife worked for 13 years to develop irrigation for their land; during those years his wife taught school, and Boardman at times worked on railroad construction projects. The Union Pacific Railroad passed through Boardman, where it had a station. The community was platted in 1916 at about the same time Samuel Boardman went to work for the Oregon State Highway Department and became involved in the development of roadside parks. The Boardman post office opened in 1916.

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