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Half Arabian
3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
15.0 hh
Foal Date
United States
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Half Arabian Stallion for Sale in Spokane, WA
Sequoia is a great horse for intermediate youth or 4- H or any adult. He has been used as a lesson horse and for one summer a tharipy horse for kids. He loves to learn and work. Sequoia has a fun personaliy, and is a very prity areb / NSH cross. He has white on face and hind sock, Great long tail. when I was getting training under kathy valentine a John Lyons trainer he is the horse I used. Sequoia has a great trot and smooth gaits, and has an awsome flat walk.
About Spokane, WA
The first humans to live in the Spokane area were hunter-gatherers that lived off plentiful fish and game; early human remains have been dated to 8,000 to 13,000 years ago. The Spokane tribe, after which the city is named (the name meaning "children of the sun" or "sun people" in Salishan), [a] are believed to be either their direct descendants, or descendants of people from the Great Plains. When asked by early white explorers, the Spokanes said their ancestors came from "up North." Early in the 19th century, the Northwest Fur Company sent two white fur trappers west of the Rocky Mountains to search for fur. These were the first white men met by the Spokanes, who believed they were sacred, and set the trappers up in the Colville River valley for the winter. The explorer-geographer David Thompson, working as head of the North West Company's Columbia Department, became the first European to explore the Inland Empire (now called the Inland Northwest).
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