Stallion Quality Flaxen Sorrel Pony Colt

Bashkir Curly
3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
13.0 hh
Foal Date
United States
Ad Status

Bashkir Curly Stallion for Sale in Livermore, CA

DRY CREEK TWISTEAR GRANDSON!! Born 7 / 15 / 01. Flaxen sorrel curly pony colt with crushed velvet coat and above average conformation. Twist has a sport pony type body and is very athletic. He has a beautiful head and keeps a long, spiral mane and tail year round. By Livingstone Bo Bleu out of Lilac Hill Cinnemon Twist. Can be registered ABC as a 3 / 4 or ICHO as a full. Twist halters, ties, leads, and loads and can be on a truck to your place in as little as two days. We are asking $3, 000. Call 408-897- 3303 or dmmlivingst***@yahoo. com

About Livermore, CA

Before its incorporation in 1796 under the Franciscan Mission San Jose, located in what is now the southern part of Fremont, the Livermore area was home to some of the Ohlone (or Costanoan) native people. Each mission had two to three friars and a contingent of up to five soldiers to help keep order in the mission and to help control the natives. Like most indigenous people in California, the natives in the vicinity of Mission San Jose were mostly coerced into joining it, where they were taught Spanish, the Catholic religion, singing, construction, agricultural trades and herding—the Native Californian people originally had no agriculture and no domestic animals except dogs. Other tribes were coerced into other adjacent missions. The Mission Indians were restricted to the mission grounds where they lived in sexually segregated "barracks" that they built themselves with padre instruction.

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