Quarter Horse Red Roan
Quarter Horse
Red Roan
1 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
14.3 hh
Foal Date
April, 2015
United States
Ad Status
Quarter Horse Gelding for Sale in Memphis, TN
This is One Handsome Andy.
Check on our available horses at;
www.heritageviewranch.com/ .
https://www.heritageviewranch.com/ .
Text/sms at; (956) 396 - 64O1 for info and photos.
His name couldn’t be more fitting. Andy is the entire package! He’s absolutely handmade, gorgeous, and has that soft, kind eye. He rides better than he looks. Anything you want to do horseback, he will be your go to mount. Andy will be gentle for anyone and everyone. Go saddle him up and have some fun. He’s a cowy Andy too. He can hold the toughest cow in the sorting pens and is catty moving and stylish looking holding one from the herd. Andy has been used all over our ranch and is handy in all aspects of ranch work. He has been roped on in the pasture and out of the box. Andy is an elegant mover and very smooth riding. He’s stellar on the trails and will go right where you send him. He’s a super fun and an easy going all around gelding. He’s honest and is the same every time you ride him even with time off. He’s always gentle and has no silly business to him. Andy has been exposed to crazy dogs, loud gunfire, busy traffic, blowing tarps, pigs, buffalo and even a camel. His disposition is the best and he loves attention. He will come running to gate when he sees you. He has a very sweet and inquisitive in your pocket type of personality.
About Memphis, TN
Occupying a substantial bluff rising from the Mississippi River, the site of Memphis has been a natural location for human settlement by varying cultures over thousands of years. The area was known to be settled in the first millennium A.D. by people of the Mississippian Culture, who had a network of communities throughout the Mississippi River Valley and its tributaries. They built complexes with large earthwork ceremonial and burial mounds as expressions of their sophisticated culture. The historic Chickasaw Indian tribe, believed to be their descendants, later occupied the site.
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