Flashy Trail, Driving Mare

2 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
14.2 hh
Foal Date
October, 2020
United States
Ad Status

Haflinger Mare for Sale in Ava, MO

Meet Betsy doll, she's such a doll! ✅️Rides great! ✅️Drives great! ✅️Awesome on trails ✅️100% sound ✅️Ties ✅️Loads/ hauls great ✅️Bathes ✅️Traffic safe ✅️Guaranteed sound 🌍Location Ava, Missouri 🚛Transport available anywhere A coming 4yo, 14.1-2 hand, but growing! Betsy is Paint/halflinger cross that rides and drives! She's a great size! Betsy may be on the smaller side but she carries heavier riders rather well. She's well balanced and sure footed. Super sweet & smart! She loves people & attention! Great in a turn out/ social setting, easy to catch as she comes to us when called. No buck! Would be a great lesson/ school horse. What a cool little horse this is! Betsy has a great trot and lovely collected lope! She's extremely great on trails and traffic safe. She's so cool! She's got that in your pocket/puppy dog temperament. Betsy is always curious and wanting love/affection and attention. Rides out alone, will lead or follow. Just SUPER fun to ride and has a great handle/ soft in the bridle, knows her one rein stop/ flex really well. She learns super fast, she's one sharp cookie. Not too mention how pretty she is with her blonde locks and beatiful coat pattern/ color! Betsy would be a great ladies horse, Gymkhana, 4-H, or just an all around family horse. A good & special home a MUST! Harness and buggy available for her, fitted to her but sold separately. Betsy also: ties, loads, hauls, bathes, clips and is great for the farrier! Video: 9 yo girl working with Betsy https://youtu.be/OsaOVrJ9Egw?feature=shared Walk, trot, lope https://youtu.be/-UH7_oNC3yw?feature=shared Driving video: https://youtu.be/gwPV0spWTbU?feature=shared Message us! Email trailandbuggyhorses@gmail.com Or call/ text 520-990-2041

About Ava, MO

The area was settled during the 1830s and Douglas County was incorporated in 1857, with Vera Cruz as county seat. In 1864, the town of Militia Springs was founded and became the new county seat in 1870. The town was platted [a] in 1871 and renamed Ava in 1881, although not incorporated until 1908. Militia Springs was the location of an encampment of Union soldiers or Missouri Militia during the American Civil War. During and after the Civil War, a dispute was ongoing regarding the county seat between Vera Cruz to the east and Arno to the west.

Contact about Betsy

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