AQHA Sorrel Mare

Quarter Horse
2 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
15.1 hh
Foal Date
May, 2010
United States
Ad Status

Quarter Horse Mare for Sale in Sparta, TN

OPEN BIDDING ON THEHORSEBAY.COM ENDS ON 8/6 @ 4:00 PM CT. More information is available on the website, including an UTD vet inspection, Coggins, video, images, and the owner's contact information to ask questions, request information, or make arrangements to come to visit. “Honey With The Money,” affectionately known as “Honey” or “Honeybun,” is a 2010 model AQHA registered mare. I do not have enough good things to say about this gal! Every minute we have owned her, I have enjoyed her. She has been my go-to horse in a wide variety of situations. From being my personal favorite trail mount, giving lessons to beginners, fun shows, checking fences and moving cattle, assisting in cow-catching jobs, and, believe it or not, chasing runaway wild bison back to their enclosures. No matter the situation, Honey handles herself very well and has great self-preservation! I have taken Honey all over the Rocky Mountains and have crossed tons and tons of considerably rough terrain. From big logs, creeks, slick river rocks, big slopes, narrow trails, and scaling up the mountainside. This mare always proves to be very sure-footed and cognizant of her surroundings. All of this can also be done on a loose rein because she is undoubtedly very willing and trustworthy. Not only is she the very best trail horse around, she is also great to ride on the arena! Honey has a butter-smooth one-hand neck rein and yields to leg pressure phenomenally. She’ll do all the things a well-broke horse should do, including stop, back, side pass, pivot, take all gaits and both leads, etc.! She will do all of this easily on a loose rein, or really even no reins at all! That’s right, she will even do them bridleless! Or if you’re still figuring things out, fear not because this mare is super user-friendly and will also plow rein and will adjust to meet her rider’s needs. Honeybun is also the absolute easiest horse to catch ever. She is the type that literally catches you in the pasture! She’ll saddle right up and ride right off, even if she’s been sitting for a while. She also loads in any trailer like an absolute champ and has been described as “very sensible” by our farrier because she is very well-behaved and good with her feet. I haven’t even mentioned that Honey has also raised several nice foals and is an exceptional momma! Her papers even feature several very notable producers like the great “Sun Frost” and “Jet of Honor,” so you can enjoy her now and breed her to get a nice prospect later! Honey is also well acquainted with a wide variety of livestock, from horses to pigs to goats, dogs, cattle, deer, bison, etc! She has seen it all and gets along great with the whole farm. Again, I do not have enough good things to say about this mare. I have full confidence that whoever is lucky enough to get her will love and enjoy her as much as I have. Thank you so much for your interest. Please get ahold of me with any questions you may have, and be sure to check out her video! Sincerely, Brenna.

About Sparta, TN

Sparta was established in 1809 as a county seat for White County, which had been created in 1806. The city was named after the ancient Greek city-state Sparta. Sparta nearly became the capital of the state of Tennessee, as, early in the history of Tennessee, the state legislature voted to choose a location for the permanent state capital. The final vote resulted in a near tie between Sparta and Nashville. Sparta lost to Nashville by one vote.

Contact about Honey

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