2022 AQHA/APHA Sorrel Mare

Quarter Horse
6 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
14.0 hh
Foal Date
April, 2022
United States
Ad Status

Quarter Horse Mare for Sale in Bend, OR

**HIGH STYLIN KIT KAT** 2022 AQHA/APHA sorrel filly Sire: Stylin Cat (AQHA). NCHA LTE $112,850; OFFSPRING EARNINGS $782,962. A sire of earners of 280 AQHA points. Dam: Tucks Doc Badger (AQHA/APHA) by Taris Badger TW (AQHA/APHA; NCHA $11,381.58; APHA ROM Cutting & APHA Reining Pts). Dam of 2 foals aged 3 & over; 1 APHA performer. Outstanding performance prospect. Started under saddle. She’s been with a cutting trainer for over 30 days. Super athletic, big motor, pretty mover, good minded, and easy to train. Make her into anything you want….cutter, reined cowhorse, roper, barrel racer, or ranch versatility. She also leads, ties, loads/hauls, lunges, bathes, and clips. She’s been hauled to a couple shows for experience and did show at one show in a few in-hand classes and did well. 5 Panel N/N. Color tested A/a, e/e, nd1/nd1. Currently 14h and growing. UTD on vaccinations, dewormer, and trims. Eligible for: Pacific Coast Cutting Horse Association (PCCHA) Legendary Stakes Royal Crown Roping Low five figures ($1X,XXX), negotiable to a show home. Price will increase as her training progresses. Located in Bend, Oregon. PM for more information and/or pictures.

About Bend, OR

The name Bend was derived from "Farewell Bend", the designation used by early pioneers to refer to the location along the Deschutes River where the town was eventually platted, one of the few fordable points along the river. Until the winter of 1824, the Bend area was known only to Native Americans who hunted and fished there. That year, members of a fur-trapping party led by Peter Skene Ogden visited the area. John C. Frémont, John Strong Newberry, and other Army survey parties came next.

Contact about HighStylinKitKat

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