Super Smooth True Blue Roan

Tennessee Walking
Blue Roan
1 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
14.3 hh
Foal Date
June, 2014
United States
Ad Status

Tennessee Walking Mare for Sale in Pinckney, MI

Iris is the type of horse you want to have on your farm. Sweet, respectful, well trained, safe, and very beautiful! She is a 14.3hh blue roan mare. She is 8 years old. She is a Tennessee Walking horse. Iris is good to handle around the farm. Comes to you in the field and leads very respectfully. Cross ties, single ties. Trailers well; point and she enters, backs out nicely. Good for farrier. Has been shod through the summer since she is ridden on the roads a lot. Her shoes get pulled for the winter.She shines on the trails. A confident mount who is alert enough to notice what's around her, but not looking for things to spook about. She is happy leading, following, or hanging out in the middle of the herd. Rides well with dogs, bikes, and large trucks. She will go over bridges, through water, or in open fields with confidence. ​​One of our favorite trails, where she really took our hearts, is leading through a boggy flooded trail. Right before they closed the trails because it was very sketchy. She didn’t make an incorrect step. She is not a speed racer, more of a relaxing ride of walking and slow gaiting. Yet, if you want to kick it up and canter, she's willing to do so on the trails. It is really nice that she is the same ride if you rode her yesterday, or she's sat in the pasture for the last few months. She is safe to have around your children, or grandchildren, to work around and ride. Though she has never had a child as her main rider with us. Iris has lived on a horse farm with a working compost company. Having trucks (with air brakes), large tractors, many public trailers and trucks in and out constantly. This farm also bales their own hay, so she is very use to baling equipment running near her and her pasture. She was bred in the past and had a beautiful roan filly. She would make a great addition to your breeding program. It would be nice for you to have looks, color and brains as a whole package!! I encourage you to call and chat with me about this mare to see if you would be a good fit for her. Personal visits are welcome for any buyers. For more info call Suzy Wyckoff 734-323-2273. Located in Pinckney, MI 48169.

About Pinckney, MI

Pinckney is a village in Putnam Township, Livingston County in the U.S. state of Michigan. The population was 2,427 at the 2010 census. Among the first American pioneers in the area around Pinckney were William Kirkland and his family, who moved from New York in the late 1820s. Kirkland named the community after his brother, Charles Pinckney Kirkland.

Contact about Iris

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