Amazing Fell Pony
Fell Pony
1 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
13.2 hh
Foal Date
January, 2016
United States
Ad Status
Fell Pony Gelding for Sale in Brookesville, FL
Place your bid at PlatinumEquineAuction dot com
Auction ends December 18th
$3500 Starting bid
Copperstone Equestrian is proud to present the stunning 6yr Fell Pony Dreamhayven Stardust! With less than 800 Fell Ponies on this continent, it is a ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME opportunity for a purebred Fell Pony of this caliber to be offered for sale to the public. Dreamhayven Stardust, lovingly referred to as Star, is registered with The Fell Pony Society. His sire Stennerskeugh Danny Boy was imported from Europe. Danny Boy is a Supreme Champion in ridden competitive trail and obstacle with scores in open competition ranking him as high as third in the nation in his division. Once you get him in your barn, you will never want to leave his side. This beautiful black gelding stands just over 13.2H tall when measured barefoot with a measuring stick. He is big and stout enough for adults to ride, yet the perfect size for young children to ride and grow up with. For comparison, the adult riders in the pictures and video range from 5’6” to 5’10”. Star is one of the most gentle, quiet, and willing horses you will ever meet. Anyone, literally anyone, can ride this horse! Star is the one you need for your beginner children, your fragile grandmother, or your timid adult rider that doesn’t want to hit the ground again. We can put any level of rider on him and know that Star will take care of them. He has a quiet drop-the-reins type of walk, a smooth trot, and a canter you can sit all day long. Star is a CONFIDENCE-BUILDER and you will look good riding him, even if you don't feel like you know what you are doing. If you lose your balance while riding, Star will stop and wait for you to adjust and tell him to walk on. When Star was first started under saddle (as a stallion, before he was gelded), his main rider was a beginner child. This beginner child rode baby Star on trails and took him to his first horse shows with huge indoor arenas and packed stadiums. Extraordinary! Star is the perfect FAMILY horse!
At only 6 years old, Stardust has had a well-rounded education. From tricks to trails, he does it all! Star rides English and Western. He has had dressage training through 2nd level with USDF Silver Medalist trainer Tanya Herrmann. Star has extensive trick training from nationally renowned animal trick trainer Heidi Herriott of HorseTrix Training. And tying it all together with additional under saddle training from Nichole Jansen of Waypoint Carriage Ponies, multi-Supreme Champion level trainer of Fell Ponies and the only North American recipient of the Duke of Edinburgh Award for Excellence in Driving. Star does trail obstacle and even has training in mounted shooting! He will ride out alone right off the farm without a care in the world. We have ridden him on a loose rein around the residential neighborhoods of Seminole, Florida, down the trails, and along the canal. He is used to riding around traffic, dogs, chickens, farm equipment, ATVs, over large tarps, and has had guns shot off his back in mounted shooting practice. He is just as easy to ride at home as he is when you take him somewhere new. He does not have any bad habits and is the same horse whether you ride him every day or once a month. One of Star’s favorite activities is liberty work and TRICK TRAINING. He will sidepass over obstacles, smile, spin around on the pedestal, and lay down on command. Star is happy to live outside or in the stall. He is a barefoot easy keeper, up-to-date on Coggins, vaccines, deworming, floating, and hoof trimming. Veterinary examination on file. 100% SAFE, sane, and sound!
A very lucky buyer is about to hit the lottery, as Stardust is truly ONE-IN-A-MILLION!!! We have a network of trusted haulers that can bring Star anywhere in the country for the winning bidder. Please call Rachel at 813-335-1950