2019 AQHA Palomino Filly

Quarter Horse
3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
14.0 hh
Foal Date
June, 2019
United States
Ad Status

Quarter Horse Mare for Sale in Halfway, OR

2019 AQHA Palomino Filly LazyJFrenchmansEnvie (Pending AQHA registration) born 6/21/2019 Envie is a sweetheart of a foal. She takes everything in stride and has from day one. This filly runs to you in the pasture and knows her name well. She is not overly pushy but she will follow you around like an in your pocket horse. She is halter broke, stands tied, trailers well, stands for a farrier (Gets a little impatient towards the end but shes still a baby), she stands for a bath, and is learning more every day. This filly has been the easiest to train with everything she learns. She will make someone a great prospect in any direction she is taken. Not only is she easy to train she is gorgeous. This girl is guaranteed to turn heads. $6500 Will consider offers or trades. Sire: KDFrenchmansCooke 15.2hh Dam: Working Angel 15hh

About Halfway, OR

The community was named for the fact it is roughly halfway between Pine and Cornucopia. While a post office was established in 1887, the town was platted in another location in 1907, the post office moved there in 1908, and it incorporated in 1909. Halfway earned a place in the history of the dot-com era in December 1999, when it received and accepted an offer to rename itself as Half.com, Oregon, after the e-commerce start-up, for one year in exchange for $110,000; 20 computers for the school; and other financial subsidies. It became the first city in the world to rename itself as a dot com. Among the less obvious reasons the town was chosen were its small population size (and thus its likelihood to accept such an offer) and the city's location, which fit perfectly into Half.com's marketing scheme.

Contact about FrenchmansEnvie

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