Cute Morab Gelding
4 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
15.2 hh
Foal Date
March, 2013
United States
Ad Status
Morab Gelding for Sale in Mechanicsville, MD
"Chief" is a 7 year old Morgan X Arabian cross gelding standing 15.2 hands high. Chief is what everyone wants and has all of the looks and personality one could ever dream of. Cute, gentle, confident builder with a puppy dog personality. Chief is a wonderful partner and friend.
Under saddle, Chief never disappoints. He has a wonderful work ethic. Chief will happily hack out alone or in a group and will gladly lead or follow. He will take you across anything you ask without hesitation or fuss. Chief will hack out both english and western. He has elegant movement and is very light on his feet. Chief is a forward thinking guy and has very comfortable gaits. He will pop over jumps with no stop or hesitation. No matter the job Chief is a willing and confident partner.If you want a horse that you can hop on bareback and go out or a horse that will catch every eye of every judge, this guy is for you! Chief can go in any direction, he has the movement and looks for dressage and the scope for the hunter/jumper ring, he could be successful in the pleasure ring or just your casual trail horse. He has no spook and it makes it easy to take thus guy anywhere and fell safe!
Under harness, Chief is a willing partner. He is equally as simple and quiet. He stands to be harnessed and backs right into shafts, he will happily cart you anywhere you ask him to. There is no tractor trailer large enough to spook this guy. He is easily driven on a lose rein through traffic and will not take advantage of having his head. He will stand waiting for his next command for as long as you please.
In the barn, Chief stands in cross ties, stands to be groomed, clipped, and tacked, he stands for the vet and farrier just as nice. He is currently shod but does not need shoes. Chief will happily live in or out and is turned out with a mixed heard.