Beautiful Mustang Gelding

Red Roan
3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
14.0 hh
Foal Date
United States
Ad Status

Mustang Gelding for Sale in Milton, WI

Sam is a red roan mustang gelding from the Nebraska herds. I don't know exactly how old he is but I know for sure he is over twelve. Sam is a very easy going horse who really likes to learn. I've been working with him for the summer and he has come a long way. We got him when one of our neighbors got sick and nobody could take care of her horses. He was very skinny when we got him but has bounced back and a happy, healthy boy! He rides very good. He is very sound and never spooks at anything on trails. He also is good at arena work. We take him and our other horses on trail rides often and usually take them to the lake and swim with them! He loves it and likes to play in the water. I am asking $1,750 for Sam, however I wouldn't recommend him for a very beginner rider because he can be stubborn sometimes. Also, he is weird about things that spray like the hose and fly spray, I have been working with him on that and he has gotten a lot better. But, he is okay if you sponge him off and wipe fly spray on. He stands good for the farrier and vet and has good ground manners. You can email me at

About Milton, WI

The city was formed as a result of the 1967 merger of the villages of Milton and Milton Junction. In November of that year, ballots were cast by 1,093 voters from both villages (Milton: 515 to 47 in favor of the merge; Milton Junction: 322 to 201 in favor of the merge), and the referendum to merge the two was approved by 77%. Originally named Prairie du Lac, Milton was settled in 1838 by Joseph Goodrich, who built an inn, the Milton House, at the intersection of two trade routes. The Milton House is today one of the oldest poured grout structures in the United States. A noted abolitionist, Goodrich is known to have aided fugitive slaves escape to freedom via the Underground Railroad.

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