Leos Snowyriver Dan

Quarter Horse
6 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
16.0 hh
Foal Date
January, 2005
United States
Ad Status

Quarter Horse Gelding for Sale in Helena, MT

Dan is a big beautiful buckskin and is an elegant mover. Dan has been started on barrels and poles. Dan has worked cows and been taken on trail rides. With a little more work and time Dan would make a great high school rodeo horse or a high school equestrian team horse. Dan can be ridden English, Western, and bareback. Dan has also done a little bit of jumping and reining. Dan can do reining spinning well for a big long legged horse. Dan can also do rollbacks and is a big mover. Dan need a job and loves to work. Dan needs a confident rider but not one who is overaggressive. Dan loads easily, ties and is sound. Dan has never been hurt. For pictures and if you have any more question about Dan please feel free to email me. rodeoqueen22@gmail.com

About Helena, MT

The Helena area was long inhabited by various indigenous peoples. Evidence from the McHaffie and Indian Creek sites on opposite sides of the Elkhorn Mountains southeast of the Helena Valley show that people of the Folsom culture lived in the area more than 10,000 years ago. Before the introduction of the horse 300 years ago, and since, other native peoples, including the Salish and the Blackfeet, visited the area seasonally on their nomadic rounds. By the early 1800s people of European descent from the United States and British Canada began arriving to work the streams of the Missouri River watershed looking for fur-bearing animals like the beaver, undoubtedly bringing them through the area now known as the Helena Valley. Yet like the native peoples none of them stayed for long.

Contact about Dan

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