3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
16.0 hh
Foal Date
United States
Ad Status
Morab Horses for Sale in Mosinee, WI
Mousse is a 11 year old Morab gelding that stands a beautiful 16 hands tall. He has been ridden both English and Western, never thrown a buck, kick, rear, bite or bolted(even in the pasture with other horses). This is an western pleasure, dressage, showmanship, horsemanship, halter etc. (but with this athletic and willing horse the skies the limit) the dressage rider/ competitor at our barn is head over heels for him and tells me all the time he needs to be put into the ring. He needs a rider that is experienced in any of these areas that can help him improve in things such as leg cues, or an intermediate rider that wants a horse to try new things on or have a horse of their own. May I mention this would be a GREAT first horse for you or your child! Mousse is very responsive to the bit so there is no fighting with him, he is also very quick and loves to put his head down and chase the dogs around. Once you get to know him I guarantee you will fall in love with his fun loving and playful personality. I always look forward to going out to work with him every day. He comes to the gate when called. He is the kind of horse that can be spooky with new things at first but once he gets used to it he's completely fine and that will go away the more you work with him, which is the only reason I put a 3/10 for the temperament. I absolutely love this horse, he does everything I ask of him. I recently taught Mousse how to kiss on command and he caught on within minutes so teaching other tricks will be very simple seeing as how willing he is. I also just started working on a sliding stop, he slid a good 2 feet minutes into starting and now we're just working on collecting his head and backing. He is very sound and has nice solid feet, never been lame a day in his life and never coliced. Stands for vet and farrier like a champ. All UTD on all shots, coggins, de-worming and farrier. Mousse is not registered as far as I know but I have contact of previous owners if you would like to look further into registering him.
Feel free to call/ text, or email anytime with questions! I am open to reasonable offers, negotiable on price to a good home! The videos and pictures don't do justice for this amazing horse!
*can email more photos and/ or videos upon request - See more at: http://www.equinenow.com/horse-ad-1014***0#sthash.YvAkA3IU.dpuf
Asking price is 5,500. Price is negotiable as well!
About Mosinee, WI
The traditional inhabitants of the area were the Ojibwe, the Potawatomi and the Menominee. However, the name is the Hochunk Mōsį́nį, the "Cold Country," from mō, an old form of mą, meaning "earth, ground, land, country"; and sį́nį, "cold." The Ojibwe ceded the territory to the United States in 1837 when they sold most of their land in what would become Wisconsin, though they were guaranteed the right to continue hunting, fishing, and gathering wild rice on the ceded lands. Similarly, the Potawatomi gave up their land claims in Wisconsin in 1833, and the Menominee ceded territory in this area in the 1836 Treaty of the Cedars. These treaties coincided with the establishment of the first sawmill in the area by a white settler, John L. Moore, in 1836, and enabled white settlement to begin in the area.