Beautiful Bay Appendix Mare for Sale. Excellent Hunter/Jumper Prospect
3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
14.0 hh
Foal Date
January, 2006
United States
Ad Status
Appendix Mare for Sale in Charleston, SC
*Please Email me for photos this website is being.....Uncooperative....*
I have a bay appendix mare for sale. She is a little over 14.3hh and her name is Renna. The above pictures are of her full winter coat. She shines like bronze in the summertime. She is 8 yrs old and UTD on all shots, wormers, and coggins. She is possibly the quickest learner I have ever known and where she really shines is in the retention of it all. Once she learns something, she'll never forget it and she gets so proud of herself she'll start doing it on her own without cue. She is incredibly athletic just naturally, so much so that when I first got her she was in great shape although she had not been worked in over a year. Just watching her play I have seen some of the most unbelievable high speed turns I have ever seen (and that includes barrel races). Her balance is impeccable. She is very level headed and is definitely one of the smart mares. She can lunge, collect in English, ride western, stand for farrier, bathe, load, tie, stand while tacking and mounting, stand for shots/meds, take the bit flawlessly, jump, has no fear of dogs, just got used to pigs, and does well on trails by herself.
Renna is a special case for me. I didn't plan on buying a horse, but when I saw the conditions that she was existing in and saw just how smart she was I felt I had to buy her even though I am moving away very soon and won't be able to keep horses. She was living in a 10' by 10' stall and had been for a YEAR. When I took off her halter and swapped it for mine she looked at me and I swear her eyes said "thank you".
The change that has come over her in the short time I've had her has been amazing. She went from not wanting to let anyone near certain parts of her (where I believe she had been whipped too much) to letting absolutely anyone just walk up and grab her.
She has great, very resilient, barefoot hooves that don't require much from the farrier at all. Her mane and tail are very thick, they just need to grow out from where her last owner did a bad trimming job. Her conformation is wonderful and she has GREAT movement. Her trot is slow and leggy with great reach from her hocks. She has no problem bending at the poll and pushing from behind. It takes no time for her to soften to the bit and she froths and drools everywhere. I ride her on a curb kimberwick. This is not because she needs any brakes, but because it is thus far she responds to it best.
I wouldn't hesitate to use her for a beginner because she is very forgiving in the saddle. She also has a very unintimidating canter. It's very slow and rhythmic. She reminds me of a little rocking horse. Her upward transitions are good and getting better with every ride. I'm trying to get her to the point where all it takes for an upward transition is a deep inhale and she's getting very close. She's good about using her hindquarters for the downward transition.
I just started her on jumps and she's taking to it very nicely. The picture above is her first day. I haven't had a place with enough room to work with her on the half passes and I'm not very experienced with it myself but she's certainly willing to yield to your leg. I bought her with the intention of getting some more training in, but I had to cut it short because I've got a bulging disk in my back. It's made it very taxing to ride every single day especially more than one horse. I'll be able to ride again regularly in a month or so but I can't just watch her waste away in the mean time.
I'm in the process of getting video of her but I have to take it slow on account of my back. If you're interested, please contact me and I'll send you a link when I get it. I'm including her lunging (with and without a tarp attached to her tail) tacking, bathing if the weather permits, walk/trot/canter, loading, and maybe jumping if I can handle it (you can tell from the picture that it's hard for me to bend much on the jumps so please excuse my poor riding. haha.)
About Charleston, SC
After Charles II was restored to the English throne in 1660, he granted the chartered Province of Carolina to eight of his loyal friends, known as the Lords Proprietors, on March 24, 1663. It took seven years before the group arranged for settlement expeditions. In 1670, Governor William Sayle brought over several shiploads of settlers from Bermuda, which lies due east of Charleston although closer to Cape Hatteras in North Carolina, and Barbados in the eastern Caribbean. These settlers established Charles Town at Albemarle Point on the west bank of the Ashley River a few miles northwest of the present-day city center. Charles Town became English-speaking America's first comprehensively planned town with governance, settlement, and development to follow a visionary plan known as the Grand Model prepared for the Lords Proprietors by John Locke.