Palomino/Dun Overo -Double Yellow Mount

3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
15.0 hh
Foal Date
United States
Ad Status
Stud Fee

Paint Stallion at Stud in Near Ft Sumner, NM

Double bred YELLOW MOUNT stallion with lots of good old foundation cowhorse bloodlines:King P -234 -5X, Poco Bueno - 2X, Wimpy, Leo -4X, Old Sorrel -7X, Three Bars -6X, Blackburn -7X, Waggoner -9X, Zantanon - 8X, Oklahoma Star -4X, Croton Oil -3X, etc. Starburst is big and stout, 15. 2-1 / 2h, has a great disposition and super conformation. He is gentle and riding real nice, and is registered Paint and Pinto. Starburst carries the Dun Factor and Dilution genes so he will throw: red dun, dun, grulla, palomino and buckskin. Starburst's first babies are riding great!! Some of them are already roping, working on ranches and riding / packing in the mountains. He also has one buckskin overo filly that is a super nice barrel prospect. Starburst is throwing a rainbow of colors, including: 5 Palomino Overos, 1 Palomino Tobiano, 2 Palominos, 7 Red Dun Overos, 1 Red Dun Tovero, 1 Red Dun Tobiano, 3 Red Duns, 2 Palomino / Dun Overos, 2 Palomino / Dun Toveros, 4 Palomino / Duns, 1 Dun Overo, 2 Duns, 1 Buckskin Overo, 1 Buckskin Tobiano, 1 Buckskin / Dun Overo, 1 Buckskin / Dun Tobiano, 1 Brown Overo, 1 Sorrel Tovero, 2 Sorrel Tobianos, 1 Loud Dun Overo (turning gray) and 1 Brindle Dun. Have some colts and fillies for sale. Visitors Welcome, call for appointment. $250 booking fee / deposit to reserve your breeding dates. More pictures, pedigree and more info on Starburst and pictures of his colts and fillies at www. lastgoroundfoundationhorses. com. ROCKYMOUNTN STARBURST 2011 stud fee $750 LFG 25% off breeding fee when you breed 3 or more mares. 1 / 2 price to mares who are AQHA or APHA Champions or AQHA or APHA Champion producers. Will also make considerations for ROM / SUP / VERSATILITY, NCHA or NRHA money earners. ask about our color guaranty Starburst is also registered Pinto for those of you who want to breed Arabian mares to him. 505-486-1***9 or 575-279-7***1 25% off the

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