Great 4H Or Adult Huntseat Horse

Quarter Horse
Red Dun
3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
15.0 hh
Foal Date
United States
Ad Status

Quarter Horse Mare for Sale in Punxsutawney, PA

This mare Would be great for a 4H youth or adult to show in English Pleasure, Hunter Under Saddle and Showmanship. She has a great stride on her, We have also started her in Basic Dressage , She is a real pretty mover. Although we have never jumped her she has nice potential as a jumper. We also ride her Western but she is more of a hunter type mover. She has had lots of Natural Horsemanship Training. . She is being used as a lesson horse until sold. She has been riden out on the trail and did well. She has full body control in ground work and under saddle. She walks, trots, canters, backs, sidepasses, halfpasses, turns on haunches and forhand. She walks over Teeter totter bridges, tarps, thru gauntlets and more. Come out and give her a try. Call Pam 814-939-9***8 or e - mail williamew***@wildblue. net

About Punxsutawney, PA

Shawnee wigwam villages once occupied this site on the Mahoning Creek. The first settlement that included non-indigenous people was in 1772, when Reverend John Ettwein, a Moravian Church missionary, arrived with a band of 241 Christianized Delaware Indians. Swarms of gnats plagued early settlers and their livestock for years, and are blamed for Ettwein's failure to establish a permanent settlement there. The clouds of biting gnats eventually drove the Indians away. The Indians called the insects ponkies (living dust and ashes), and called their village Ponkis Utenink (land of the ponkies), from which the present name Punxsutawney evolved.

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