Beautiful Steel Gray Stallion

3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
15.0 hh
Foal Date
United States
Ad Status

Appendix Stallion for Sale in Vaughn, MT

Crowned For Sucess is a steel gray stallion that I have owned for the last five years. I have had his semen tested for shipping he tested above seventy - percent motility after collection and abovefifty percent after cooling. When working on ranches I used him for everything ranch related roping and doctoring, cutting pairs, roping and dragging calves to the fire during branding, I use him to rope colts in the round pen, and pony colts. You can work him right next to a mare in heat and he does not even bother to acknowledge them. I work full time as a farrier now and have little time to use my horses. Crowned For Sucess has great confirmation, disposition, and beautiful color. He will catch anybodies eye it would take very few breeding to cover his purchase price. Delivery is available to any one interested.

About Vaughn, MT

While trying to make his fortune gold mining in Nelson Gulch near what is now Helena, Montana, Welsh American immigrant Robert Vaughn became convinced that Montana was excellent ranching and farming country. In the fall of 1869, he traveled into Chouteau County, Montana, which at the time covered nearly a sixth of the state. About 9 miles (14 km) upstream from where the Sun River joined the Missouri River, he decided to homestead. He returned to Helena and filed paperwork to claim the land, and learned he was the first individual to formally file for a homestead in Chouteau County. Although Vaughn started out farming, he quickly turned to ranching.

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