Very Rare Coloring
Tennessee Walking
3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
15.0 hh
Foal Date
United States
Ad Status
Tennessee Walking Stallion for Sale in Charlotte, NC
VERY RARE!!! Diamond Jim Starbuck is a 3 year old, TWHBEA registered,
15. 1 hand, chocolate silver dapple tovero stallion by Jim's Fancy Man out
of Lone Arrow's Lakota Sioux. For the discriminating buyer who's looking
to produce well bred, ~ naturally gaited walking horses who don't need
gadgets to gait, ~ have calm and intelligent temperaments, who can compete
in the~ show ring or carry you safely through real life situations,
and~ are built to stay sound and sane~we offer for your consideration:
"Dutch" is a perfectly marked - up genuine chocolate silver
dappled~ Tobiano and Sabino spotted stallion with a white mane and
tail~ and a silver / grey forelock. $8500 OBO and seller reserves 10
breedings. Please include horse name in inq. 100+ horses available
About Charlotte, NC
The Catawba Native Americans were the first known historic tribe to settle Mecklenburg County (in the Charlotte area) and were first recorded around 1567 in Spanish records. By 1759 half the Catawba tribe had died from smallpox, which was endemic among Europeans, because the Catawba had not acquired immunity to the new disease. At the time of their largest population, Catawba people numbered 10,000, but by 1826 their total population had dropped to 110. The European-American city of Charlotte was developed first by a wave of migration of Scots-Irish Presbyterians, or Ulster-Scot settlers from Northern Ireland, who dominated the culture of the Southern Piedmont Region. They made up the principal founding European population in the backcountry.