Tobi-Mounted Drill Team, Pee Wee Rodeo

3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
14.0 hh
Foal Date
United States
Ad Status

Paint Stallion for Sale in Portland, OR

Tobi is an outstanding mounted drill team horse, knows what he is doing, spacing, where he should be. Picks up new drills QUICK! This horse has an AWESOME work ethic but isn't hot. Knows leads, really works for you in the arena, some trail experience, roping, cows. Would be an awesome Pee Wee rodeo mount. He likes the patterns, and has the speed to compete. Experienced rider only. This boy knows what he is doing and need a rider that does as well. Sensitive but not mean. VERY sure footed with super smooth gaits. Trot almost in place, I call it prancing. Slow lopes as well as extends, quick and comfortable ride at a gallop, turns on a dime and leaves you the change. He will work his butt off for you if you ask him to. VERY ATHLETIC! Loads, clips, bathes, easy to catch, stalls, pasture, the whole package.

About Portland, OR

During the prehistoric period, the land that would become Portland was flooded after the collapse of glacial dams from Lake Missoula, in what would later become Montana. These massive floods occurred during the last ice age and filled the Willamette Valley with 300 to 400 feet (91 to 122 m) of water. Before American pioneers began arriving in the 1800s, the land was inhabited for many centuries by two bands of indigenous Chinook people—the Multnomah and the Clackamas. The Chinook people occupying the land were first documented in 1805 by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. Before its European settlement, the Portland Basin of the lower Columbia River and Willamette River valleys had been one of the most densely populated regions on the Pacific Coast.

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