3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
16.0 hh
Foal Date
United States
Ad Status
Appaloosa Stallion for Sale in Matthews, NC
Augustas is a 9 yr old appaloosa who is registered with the appaloosa
club. He has a very sweet personalitly and a great temperment. He
was broke western, but is currently ridden and shown english in
Hunter classes. He has three very smooth gates that can be extended
or collected very easily. I have jumped him 3 feet and my trainer has
jumped him 3'6". His ground manners are impeccable and he is very
gentle. He clips, loads, ties, bathes, etc. very well. He is very mellow
and it takes a lot to get him rilled up. He doesnt have any vices and is
very relaxed. He is a great horse for anyone that is looking to rebuild
confidence on a horse, looking for a good compangion, or show horse. For
more information or pics please feel free to call me at 704-507-6***6.
About Matthews, NC
In the early 19th century, the early settlement that would become Matthews was unofficially named Stumptown for the copious amount of tree stumps left from making way for cotton farms. The community's name later changed to Fullwood, named after appointed area postmaster John Miles Fullwood. The establishment of a sawmill and the cotton and timber industry helped Fullwood change into a town. Prior to the first train arriving on December 15, 1874, Fullwood acted as a stagecoach stop between Charlotte and Monroe. The town was incorporated into a municipal corporation in 1879 and was renamed to Matthews for Edward Watson Matthews, a prominent resident, and director of the Central Carolina Railroad, which would later become known as the Seaboard Air Line Railroad.
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